Thursday, August 22, 2013

Sucker for a Pretty View

Since I have a love of history, having earned a Master's degree in Medieval Studies from the University of York, I knew almost from the start (at least the start of my new direction) that my focus would be outdoor learning environments, and specifically historical sites. There was no doubt in my mind which site I preferred. It was easily Harpers Ferry (HAFE). I remember my BTW supervisor saying at the time, "why don't you focus on something closer like Rock Creek National Park?" Perhaps if I'd thought about it practically, I might have taken her advice; it is just over a 90-minute drive to Harpers Ferry under ideal driving conditions. Call it two hours, really. But I was enamored with the Ferry, so I wasn't deterred. It is a stunningly beautiful place. If you've ever seen the view from Maryland Heights, you know what I mean (click on the link and scroll about halfway down). I emailed one of the education rangers at HAFE, whom I knew through BTW, explaining that I was going to focus my dissertation on creating a game for the park. She was utterly enthusiastic, which was very gratifying, but it was going to be awhile before anything materialized. I still had to finish my coursework, and I had to figure out how on earth my non-programming self was going to build a game.

Enter the University of Wisconsin - Madison and ARIS.

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